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TIPPLE & Beverages
For  boozers & non-boozers



Water Mellon

Black Velvet

Royal Shandy

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(You will need a hydrometer to measure the alcohol content by % - obtainable from some Pharmacies or home brew shops)
To 1 quart chemically pure alcohol add;

    1 tbsp.  fennel seed.
    4 tbsp.  mint leaves
    2.5 tsp.  star aniseed
    1 tsp.   coriander
    5 tsp.   sage
    1 tbsp. green aniseed

The mixture is left to draw, in darkness, for eight days then add;

    ten drops of aniseed oil

Filter through muslin or nylon stocking in strainer.
Finally the alcohol content is reduced to 44% by the addition of water.
Happy Landings

(you will need a large + 10 Lt. Bucket with lid - Nappy Bucket works fine & adds spice)

    10 lt.               water
    8 cups           sugar
    1 pkt              cream of tartar
    1 cup             raisins
    2 cake           yeast
    2 cup             bruised ginger
    1 bottle          lemon essence
    4 tsp.             ground ginger

Mix and let it stand for 24 hours
Strain through muslin or nylon stocking in strainer and bottle (leave a little space in bottle say 20mm - don't overfill unless you want to create 'Molotov Cocktails')
Bottles should be sterilized old beer bottles with screw or clip-on caps
Store in dark cool place for one week to allow maturation.
Chill before enjoying.

 Water Mellon

Lay the water melon on it's side and cut an oblong wedge about 5cm wide through to the centre of the melon. Remove this like a plug and set aside.
Into the cavity pour a generous amount of best Jamaican Rum [as much as the melon will hold.
Replace the plug and chill for 8 hours.
Cut into slices and serve. WOW!

Black Velvet

Open a very cold bottle of Vin Doux sparking wine or Champagne. Decant gently into a 1˝ liter glass jug. Carefully pour in two small bottles of Stout [Guinness]

Keep the brew chilled in an ice bucket.

Serve in fluted champers glasses. Happy landings.

Royal Shandy

Open a very cold bottle of Vin Doux sparking wine or Champagne. Decant gently into a 1˝ liter glass jug. Carefully pour in two small bottles of brown ale.

Keep the brew chilled in an ice bucket.

Serve in fluted champers glasses. Happy landings.


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