Couscous Chicken Paprika Hawaiian Duck Chicken Curry Jack's Turkey Fowl In a Pot Pigeon pie Roast Duck Baby Chook Breyani
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(requires a large double steamer pot)
1. 3 pkts couscous added to
3 cups water, Stir and leave for 5 minutes.
Add 1 cup water, 1/2 pkt margarine, salt and pepper, 1 teaspoon
chicken soup mix
Mix in with hands
Put on stove for 10 minutes then remove.
2. Put chicken in lower half of
double steamer and cover with water to boil.
Add turmeric, cumin, chicken
soup, pepper, salt,
Chop into bite size chunks and add, 1/2
cabbage, 2 onions, 4 carrots, marrow or butternut, 2 potatoes, 1/2 bunch celery,
3. Put couscous into top
of double steamer
Cook at high heat for 1/2 hour.
Ladle a generous helping of the chicken & Veg over a pile of couscous
3 pkts couscous
1/2 pkt margarine
1 tsp chicken soup mix
Chicken & Veg
Chicken jointed and cut into pieces
1/2 tsp. turmeric
1/2 tsp. Cumin
2 Tble spoon chicken soup mix
1/2 cabbage,
2 onions
4 carrots,
3 marrow or one butter nut
2 potatoes,
1/2 bunch celery,
Water, salt & pepper