Peach Chutney Basic Jam Pineapple Chutney Pickled Toms Pickled Vegies Pickled Mushrooms Marmalade Mango Chutney Coldslaw Bringal Pickle
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Shred all or a portion of the
fruit but use all the juice
stand overnight in 4 lt. water
Boil until reduced to half the liquid
Add the sugar and for added flavor include a couple of nuts and/or a piece
of ginger
Boil rapidly then reduce heat a little (be careful or it will boil over -
big mess)
Skim off rising scum
Drop test on a cold plate until jam gels
remove from heat and when cooled a little fill pre prepared jars after
Always ensure that the jars are clean, preheated and standing on wooden
surface during filling.
Allow to stand and cool a little before
closing securely. |
12 fruits (if oranges add at least 2 lemons
for their pectin)
2 kg of sugar
4 lt. water
a couple of nuts and/or a piece of ginger