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Home Smoked Salmon
[requires cold smoker]

1. Clean and fillet the salmon

Preparing Brine
Prepare a brine mixing the table salt and cold water in a plastic, stainless steel, bucket or container. White wine can be substituted for a portion of the water, if desired.
Stir the salt until it cannot dissolve any more.
Spices such as black pepper, bay leaves, seafood seasoning, or garlic, as well as brown sugar (recommended) may be added.
Use one-gallon of brine for every four pounds of fish. Soak the fish in your refrigerator, covered with plastic wrap. 

2.        Brine 1/2-inch thick fillets for 1/2 hour. 1-inch fillets for 1 hour and 1 1/2-inch fillets for 1 1/2 hours.

3.        After brining, rinse the fish briefly in cold running water.

4.        Place the fish skin-side down on greased racks in a cool place to dry.

5.        Let fish dry for 2-3 hours until a shiny skin, or pellicle has formed on the surface.

6.        Place the fish in your smoker.

7.        The temperature should be about 70-80 degrees (F). A temperature above 80 will cook your fish.

8.        Smoke at 70-80 degrees for 1-3 days.

9.        After smoking, a rub of vegetable oil will give your fish a shiny look.

10.     In the refrigerator, your lox will last 1 to 2 weeks, or longer if frozen.

Thin slices with cream cheese and bagels

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Fresh/Frozen Salmon

3˝ cups Course Salt
I gal water

Cold Smoker

Cream Cheese

Black pepper



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